Tuesday, July 7, 2009


One of my co-worker frequently makes me think... today it was about sacrifice. Some people that I talk to perceive that leaving for Africa will involve such large sacrifice. But I know better. I am learning that it is not a sacrifice to give up things I don't value. So if I adjust my values away from what the world says is important I don't have to give up anything! I know that when I make this step in faith, and every step after that as I follow the leading of my Lord I will receive infinitely more than I have given up. Our God is amazing like that.
But can I take it a step further? Am I so bold as to say I even want to suffer for my Savior? Do I really want an opportunity to show my love to him? His disciples rejoiced in their chance to sacrifice. (Acts 5:41...rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.) I'm not sure I can honestly say that yet, maybe someday. For now I will just enjoy the privilege of being able to serve the Lord Jesus Christ how He asks as I prepare to go.


Unknown said...

Well said, you are a great person and have far better insight on what "truly matters" in life. I don't imagine sacrifice has ever been something that you were unwilling to provide. You seem to know/understand most people better than they know themselves, and that is a gift you deserve. I know that you will do great things in your life, many or even all that will go largely unnoticed by the masses but I don't believe that will bother you either. You are unbothered because you know that "the one" that does matter never misses anything. God Bless You Jennifer, you are a great friend and I am blessed for being able to call you such.

Anonymous said...

Yes Jennifer, I have never thought about moving here to Uganda as a sacrifice but as pure joy to be doing what I've been called to do. You are so right, we must judge ourselves and our values based on our relationship with Jesus, not the world. I'm glad that your coming, Africa is waiting for you.