Thursday, November 12, 2009

HIV in Uganda

I don't like numbers. I especially don't like these numbers.

  • Life expectancy in Uganda is 43 years old (in the United States it is 78 years old)

  • 2.4 million in Ugandans are HIV positive. The majority of those affected are between 15 and 40 years old. (This is the workforce! Teachers, farmers, government officials....) Disproportionately more of those infected are women. (Mothers!)

  • Roughly $18 are spent per person on health care. (It is currently $6,714 per person in the US)

  • Nearly 14% of children don't live to see their 5th birthday in Uganda. (0.8% in the US)

I stopped looking at the numbers because it is hard to. Though it is easier than looking at the faces.

(All statistics can be verified on the world health org website)

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