Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Urgent Care

I usually try not to post about my experiences out at Urgent Care but I laughed several times tonight and I want to share the humor. One of my first patients was 7 years old and came in with his mother who evidantly didn't speak english. So here is how triage went-
Me: What brings you in tonight?
Pt's mother: Eh?
Me: It says here he has a loose tooth. What can I do for you?
Pt's mother: Eh?
Me to the patient: Did you get hit in the face?
Patient: Nope
Me: Lets take a look....oh! This is just a baby tooth.
Patient: Yep
Me: So..... what you really needed was the tooth fairy.
Patient and his mother: Eh?
Me: Never mind. The doctor will be in to see you shortly.

Or this patient-
Me: So you stubbed you toe yesterday?
Patient: Yeah. And my 5 mg of methadone every 8 hours isn't cutting the pain.
Me: Eh?

Or this last one-
Me: So what brings you in today?
Patient: I'm sick.
Me: Really? Duh. Can you give me a little more information?
Patient: I'm coughing and stuff.
Me: Come on. Any fever or chills?
Patient: No
Me: Sore throat?
Patient: No
Me: Nausea or vomiting or diarrhea?
Patient: No
Me: So... tell me more about the cough.
Patient: For like 3 days.
Me: You have had the cough about 3 day?
Patient: Yeah.
Me: Do you bring anything up when you cough?
Patient: I guess, sometimes.
Me: Um.... So what you really need is just to go to a pharmacy and get an over the counter cough medicine, stop smoking, and not have wasted our time here. The doctor will be in to see you shortly.
Patient: Can you tell him that I had to miss work to come here so I need a work excuse. Tomorrow and the next day too?
Me: There it is. The real reason that you are here. O.K.


Life 102 said...

Ha! I love it!!
What are we going to do with people like this? Maybe you should be honest and let them know they are wasting their time, yours and their money. How else are they going to know they don't need a doctor for any of the concerns they have.
My question to you: did they have insurance? I'm curious. Do you know how much a visit to urgent care costs?

Kristin said...

Ha! LOL!! But....these patients keep your volumes up!! I am learning all about patient volume in the ED...can you tell?