Wednesday, January 28, 2009


What comes to your mind when someone says that name? No really, pause a minute.... what do you picture. This is worth doing, stop reading for a second and think. I will wait.


Are you like me and picture a meek and mild mannered young man? This time of year especially do you picture a beautiful, quiet baby?

How about this for a paradigm shift? Jesus was a dangerous man!! In revelation He is referred to as a LION. (Rev 5:5) The men of his day, the ones who had him killed, were not really upset about an empty grave...they were upset that HE WAS LOOSE! Nothing could contain him and he was out! An empty grave is really not much to get upset about. It was what was in the grave that is no longer there that makes us think. They didn't actually capture Jesus like they had thought they did. So that LION is out among us now!

Just food for thought today. Something to ponder..... our leader is a powerful man. Jehovah, mighty in battle (Psalm 24:8) and mighty commander (Isa 55:4). Whose side are we fighting on today?

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