Tuesday, February 24, 2009


For better or worse work has been crazy busy which seems to help keep me more content. I have not forgotten about blogging but as long as it is flu season and we continue to see more than 50+ patients a day I won't be writing much. Besides who wants to hear about viral gastroenteritis, liters and liters of IV fluids and more low grade temps than you can imagine. I would like a recording of myself talking about getting enough rest, enough fluids and adequate hand washing. Then I would just play it with every discharge and save myself hours per shift. (Caution I'm about to revert to nurse speak:) But on the up side I was there when we encountered our first Stemi. He arrived with chest pain and we had the EKG in minutes with tombstones all over it. Line, labs, O2, ASA and nitro and a quick call to the ambulance service and out the door in 27 minutes, straight to cath lab, do not pass go/do not collect $200, and to clot in less than 60 min. 100% block of the circumlflex and at least one other partial block. But he will go on to live a healthy productive life with most of his heart still intact. You are welcome. This job does have its rewards some days (because that could have gone very differently).

1 comment:

AnneMarie, Eric and Katie (Chauncy too!) said...

Check you out super nurse! I'm happy that you are once again home safely :) I miss ya Jenny-from-the-block!