Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Funny- I was just thinking how accomplished I feel today but what did I do? Knocked down a 6 foot high termite mound and managed to fit the kitchen cabinets into the kitchen. Major accomplishments that mostly will make no sense to you readers. Sorry guys. Actually though, I spent some time at Amecet, the baby shelter- they may want me to work a few shifts as a nurse so that some of the others can visit babies that have gone back to the village. I can’t say no to sitting around holding those little ones. Though they have a few who are very sick and that makes it harder. One little girl with meningitis who cries and cries. She is always lying on her side with her back so arched her heels practically touch the back of her head. She is so hard to sooth but they are taking her back to the neuro hospital tomorrow. I also stopped by the nurse’s college this evening to ask about joining their nurse’s fellowship. We were warmly welcomed and invited to come back so that seems like something I may spend time in the evenings doing.

One last funny thing- as I was killing termites I realized that Okello (our “grounds keeper”) was picking them up. Abella explained to me that he would cook them and eat them tonight. Good to know.

They fit!! Amazing!

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