Friday, April 9, 2010


Driving from Kampala to Soroti today. Left the guest house around 9am, and hit out new house at around 5pm. That is one long day of travel. It was only Beckie’s second day driving (she did very well) and there are still some things we don’t know. So instead of stopping at the local DMV for a driving manual we just decided to do it Ugandan style and figure things out as we go along. I'd like to post a few pictures of the signs we saw.  Not exactly sure that they all mean yet...

Honking means you are doing something right.

Only one other event today- We began unpacking only to discover that our computers had been stolen. Very frustrating. But really there is nothing we can do. *Sigh*

1 comment:

dia said...

Love the honking in Ugander =)