Wednesday, May 5, 2010


A little frustrating today. I went to nursing lecture at the hospital (CME) again but due to a sudden death of one of their staff it was canceled. No problem. So I ended up meeting with the SPNO instead (Senior principle nursing officer- kind of like PLC, keeps track of nursing for all of the patients in the hospital. Only she has a tack board behind her desk with patient’s names written on scrap pieces of paper and stuck to the board under ward headings. But same idea.) This meeting didn’t go great. I wrote a letter two weeks ago to the medical administrator requesting permission to attend CME and observe on the wards. There was a cc of it as well to the SPNO. Well, I discovered that she never got it (no surprise there I guess). She says that I need to have additional permission from the national board of nursing in America before coming back. Ummm, so now what?

But… we had pizza for supper tonight! Really nice. We made the crust and sauce from scratch, used pineapple, onions and green peppers from the market, cheese from Kampala and pepperoni that was packed in from the states. A little more work than just calling for delivery but it sure tasted good! We had Bobby and Rachel over invited Annieke from Amecet.

1 comment:

Dusty/333 said...

What does all that mean exactly? You need to catch me up? You are working on your own in a village but have a "PLC" in the city that over sees you? You want to observe in the Hospital for more knowledge but aren't aloud to until someone in the States approves you? Is that kind of what you said? If you've already explained all of this on a previous post just tell me and I'll shut up and keep reading down:)