Monday, October 5, 2015

Just trying to blend in....

I feel like this picture sums up pretty well a bit of what these last weeks has felt like... 
Mostly I'm kidding. But I do feel a bit out of place. Another missionary wrote about it and I am going to be lazy, not write it myself and just use his words. Furlough...
"...It is hard emotionally. Why? Because we discover that we have changed and that you no longer really want to be around us. Let me summarize. A man from the land of Blue became a missionary to the people of Yellow.  He struggled because he was a Blue man among Yellow people.  However, after a while he began to truly understand their culture and become partly assimilated.  One day he looked in the mirror and saw that he was no longer Blue, he was now Green.  It made being in the land of Yellow easier.  Then, after many years, he returns to the land of Blue. To his dismay, no one there in his homeland of Blue wants to be with him because, well because he was a Green person in the land of Blue.
After being on the mission field you are a different person.  People perceive you differently.  Even people who were friends are no longer friends.  They have grown without you.  They have had different experiences without you.  You are no longer ‘one of them’.  When you return, people want to shake your hand and say that they missed you, but they don’t understand you. " (Joe Holman)
I don't get pop culture references, and worse, I don't want to. I can figure out how to make a hot caffeinated beverage here :

But here is a whole different story: 

I have no desire to be permanently attached to the internet and it baffles me that my five year old nephew has checked and discovered there are no apps on my phone. I've heard how many missionaries feel overwhelmed in the cereal aisle while trying to remember how to grocery shop. So I decided I don't really need cereal. But I did need toothpaste. Turns out it isn't just cereal decisions that can trigger overload in Meijer. 
I'm very happy to report that I have not tried a single time to drive on the left side of the road. However, I keep trying to shift with my left hand and keep checking on the left for the rear view mirror. And I'm pretty sure I'm the most aggressive driver on the northwest side of Grand Rapids.  But I'm working on it.
Mostly I'm just trying to give myself time to adjust and adapt. I feel a bit of guilt about all the things I could be doing but mostly I'm just enjoying time with family. 

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