Sunday, February 1, 2009


*Added late: 2/6 9:30am

After working my 3rd night shift I think I got this thing down. Here is a glimpse of our schedule last night just so you can get a taste. (For those of you that have worked night shifts with me- at times it is busier than IIU with 3 GI bleeds and neuro full of ETHO- but the same number of bed changes and just as much yelling. )
6pm- Arrive and help the afternoon shift with supper. Feed the toddlers (Alice, B. Helen, Alibenia, Joshua, Peter and Helen.) Bottles for Basil, Michael, Mary and Joyce.
6:30- Bottle for Raphael (q3 hour feedings)
7pm- Baths and night clothes for the toddlers.
7:30- Bottles for Asianut (q3 hour feedings) and Simon (q2 hour feedings)
7:45- Simon vomits- has a temp. Needs meds and a cool bath.
8pm- Tube feed Basil (q 2 hour alternate tube feeding and bottle if tolerated) and bottle for Joyce (q 2 hour feedings). Bedtime meds for toddlers with a cup of milk then to cribs.
8:30- Bottles for Joseph (q 3 hour feedings). Day sshift finishes cleaning up supper dishes and leaves.
9pm-Bottles for Michael (q 3 hour feedings) and Mary (q 3 hour feedings)
9:30- Bottles for Raphael and Simon-He tolerates it better but still won't take more than 20ml.
10pm- Bottle for Joyce and Basil- He sucks without trouble.
10:30- Bottle for Asianut
11pm- Boil night time bottles, boil next day's milk and add sugar and water. Lock up compound, put chickens in and let guard dogs out.
11:30- Bottle for Joseph and Simon- screaming early to be feed- takes all without difficulty. Fever gone. YES!
12- Wake up Peter, Joshua and Helen for midnight meds. Cup of milk for Helen and all back to sleep. Bottles for Michael and Mary. Tube feed Basil.
12:30- Bottle for Raphael and a quick bite to eat for us!
1am- Mix the 6 liters of milk for the day and fill the boiled bottles. Scrub the milk pot. Fold diapers for night, empty diaper pail and put the day diapers in to soak.
1:30- Bottles for Asianut and Simon.
2am- Bottles for Joyce and Michael. Basil won't drink more than 10 ml so tube feed.
2:30- Bottle for Joseph
3am- Bottles for Mary and Michael
3:30- Bottle for Simon
4am- Bottle for Joyce and tube feed Basil- he is still to tired to try.
4:30- Bottle for Asianut
5am- Start breakfast porage, set breakfast table, boil and fill more bottles. Unlock compound. Dogs fed and in. Chickens fed and out. (Don't get those in the wrong order.)
5:30- Bottles for Simon and Joyce
6am- Morning meds for infants. Bottles for Mary, Joyce and Michael. Tube feed Basil.
6:30- All toddles up, bathed and dressed. Helen and Alibenia ready for school.
7 am- Day staff arrives. Breakfast for toddlers and morning meds. School snacks prepared.
7:30- Bottles for Asianut and Simon. Helen and Alibina out to truck for school. Morning dishes done and kitchen cleaned.
8am- Bottle for Joyce. Basil still not sucking- tube fed. Report given to days to watch Simon and about Basil still not eating.
Home to bed!!!

* Christina can co-sign this. Each night is different but really about the same. Keep in mind that there are only 2 of us on a night. Each of the every 2 hour feedings babies weight less than 7 pounds so it takes them more than 20 minutes to put away only 40 ml. Each bottle needs to be measured and recorded so we can tell if one of them isn't taking enough. Some of the bigger babies want to eat sooner so they will cry until it is their turn. This night there were no fevers or vomiting after midnight (unusual) , a nice blessing. And when I say vomiting I don't mean spiting up- I mean the entire contains of their whole little bodies all over both of us- usually more than once. Man I love this job!

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