Saturday, September 19, 2009

I'm so humbled and also so encouraged by the amazing friends I made this last week. Three have already left- back to fundraising and preparing to go. Three newbies will be joining us this weekend for the next session of training. Of those that I've gotten to know, one is headed to Athens, Greece to serve women affected by sex trafficking. One is headed to a "hard" country (her words, not mine, we can't share where she is going for safety reasons!) to be relational and teach healthcare. And both of the couples are headed to Quito, Ecuador to the school where they all grew up as missionary kids.

It was so good to spend time with these guys, talking, sharing our stories and laughing, lots of laughing. I was reminded that we are not in this alone! There is a huge network out there of people who understand the struggles. And though we all use different words and verbs to share what we will be doing, our underlying passion and vision is the same.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

I'm so glad you are enjoying your time and that photo looks great, but it is so small that I can't see it very well. Maybe you can post it on facebook?