Sunday, January 24, 2010


Time for another update....
At this point Beckie and I are still on track to leave March 13th- 48 days!!! Fundraising continues to go well. I'm at 62% right now...It is so encouraging as I have opportunities to bring more and more people onto my support team. (Side note: If you are reading this and I haven't invited you to be on my support team- shame on me!  This is a great opportunity to join God in the work he is doing in Uganda. If you are interested please let me know.) 
I'm working a little more out at UC. I think I post that every time and now I'm back at full time (plus "overtime" this week!).  I love it and am glad there are hours that I can pick up but I'm feeling a little guilty. It is hard to keep fundraising as my primary responsibility when I'm at work so much.

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