Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The random pictures on my camera....

I ride my bike quite often. I wear long skirts quite often. It is actually quite surprising that these two things haven't meshed this poorly before now. My knee is pretty sore though the scrapes are pretty superficial  and the bruising on my right leg is pretty painful so standing for long periods is troublesome.

All seven baby rabbits are growing and if possible are getting more cute. They are almost completely weaned. I'm planning on giving mama rabbit and a male (not one of these) to Ken and Janet along with my rabbit house while I'm on furlough. They are going try rabbit breeding, which is a good income generating activity here as a rabbit for eating will sell for more than a kg of beef.

There are a strangely large number of baby things on my clothes lines lately. The birth kits program is really taking off and I had to go to the second hand market last week to get receiving blankets and newborn clothes. I'll be taking 50 kits up with me for our next training.
I've mentioned before that each month I place an order for more than 1 million shillings worth of meds so the pharmacy gives me "bonus" drugs. This month was enough ferro and folate (the two key ingredients in  prenatal vitamins) for 10 pregnant women for their whole pregnancy! And as no one here starts taking it as early as in in the states I expect this to treat more than twenty women. A really nice bonus!
Thus concludes today's unnecessary blog post. I'm headed to the village right now and will be there until the weekend. However, I've heard the roads are really bad so we'll see how far I make it. There maybe more relevant blog posts possibly next week (hopefully). 

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