Thursday, October 9, 2008

No one is talking about his very poor choice, only the tragedy.
Here is something that I've been struggling with and trying to get some divine insight into and just don't know.... It seems like Nick and I have gotten ourselves in trouble already (Sunday School teachers less than three weeks…) Some of the parents (and obviously some of our students) are very upset about how we talked about the suicide of one of the kids in their school. I’m not even sure what the correct way to respond to their outcry. First, I think how clearly these parent are helping their kids hero worship and idolize this kid. What message does this send to every other kid in the school thinking about suicide?! “Look at all of the attention that he got! I can do that and be important too!” We need to point out that this kid made a mistake! He sinned! It cannot be made to look pretty and tragic or too many others will fall into that trap!
I had no intention of scaring the kids while talking about hell but our God DOES pass judgment on us and we do need to fear that! It is not for anyone to say that this kid is in heaven or hell but I tried to say that he will need to stand before his maker. We can not and should not quickly gloss over the mistakes we make and talk about our forgiving God with rose colored glasses. This is just as much a trap of Satan as the lies Travis listened to that death was the answer. .... So on Sunday we need to address it and I don't really know how. No one wants us to talk about his poor choice, only the tragedy.

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