Sunday, November 8, 2009


We were hiking in the dunes again this weekend. It is such a great place to listen to God speak. Surrounded by His creation, quiet, few distrations....
There is nothing like waking up a 5 in the morning and being so cold you have to get up and huddle by the fire. Its a great time to ponder life (and the lack of circulation in your toes.) I love it when God speaks and reassures me. And when I'm warmed more by Him than the fire.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

What a coincidence that you were spending time away in solitiude this weekend. I was on a retreat up north this weekend too! The weather was so unseasonably warm, and sunny. Silence and nature are an excellent combination for spending time with God. I hope you got to enjoy Him in the beautiful weather. Must have been cold at night though!! I'm glad you got the chance to go up again :)