Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"How are you doing?"

So, how am I doing? I get asked a lot lately. In Uganda, for mental and spiritual health, we ask each other often and expect that the answer won't be "fine" but that we actually consider and answer honestly. Here, I get asked but haven't slowed down enough to answer well. But I don't think anyone does. However, I've tried to pause today....

Isaiah Yoder
I'm genuinely enjoying being here in the states. I was taking care of my 3 year old nephew and 4 month old niece for two weeks. Also taking care of the son of some good friends who were in the hospital giving birth to their second child. (Congratulations Levi & Shannon!)  For the first time in my life I could actually picture myself being a mother.
Meeting his new brother.
Helping me make dinner
I'm also really enjoying doing a bit of wedding stuff with my brother Nick's finance, Katie.  And helping him undo his house from the bachelor pad condition that it has been in for 3 years now.

I'm comfortable and content and a bit afraid of it. I'm possibly too comfortable. I'm loving all my modern conveniences and how easy life is. I love being so close to family and knowing exactly what is going on in their lives.  I love how simple it is to make meals, to get on the internet, to figure out where I'm going and get there on time, how nice it is to speak the same language as everyone I come in contact with, I love than I can have a different fruit or vegetable every day of the week, .... this list could go on and on. So, how am I doing? I'm doing very well and trying not to think of heading back to Uganda quite yet....

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