Sunday, March 15, 2015


Only one more post about Greece.
Going with Karen and Rebecca was so much fun. We laughed a lot. And seemed to spend quite a bit of time lost.....But Karen always had a map!

 It was also MUCH colder than I expected. I had to wear my pajamas under my clothes one day because I was so cold. Rebecca and I got up to run one morning and coming from Uganda we had only light weight running clothes. When we hit the street at 6:30 am we were a bit surprised to see snow and had to channel our inner Michiganders. I think we cut that run a little short.

There were the othodox churches which look rather plain on the outside but are crazy ornate on the inside. 

We spent several hours traveling by train between Athens and Thessaloniki. 

 Greece has these markets that are far more attractive than Uganda's.

1 comment:

Karebear said...

UMMMM, excuse me... I wouldn't say we were lost. We were just clarifying where we were going and hoping to take the fastest route there. And if we did get off the beaten path... we saw even better things!! :)
I'm glad we traveled together!