Friday, January 30, 2009

Still here...

Oh my gosh- I have so much to write about! But both the power and the Internet are hit and miss so the fact that they are both working at the same time is great. I'm at Amecet for a night shift right now. (Side note: if you really want to mess with your internal clock try crossing 8 time zones then give yourself enough time to almost fully adjust then work night shifts...)
I'm not sure where to start... we are obviously in Soroti and doing great. Loving it out here. We are staying the the other half of Tim and Angie's house and they are taking good care of us. We are working at Amecet 6 days a week. (This is day 5 so we are finally getting the hang of it. If you want more information on Amecet see the post labeled "we are out of here"- Els the director did a great job describing this place in that letter.) When we arrived there were 12 babies and 6 toddlers. A few have gotten to go "home" so we are down to 14 total. Only me and another girl are on right now though so I really should get back to work. Hang on, I really will post about our first couple of day's challenges eventually but in the meantime we are all doing well, really enjoying it here and working hard-well, most of the time.

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