Thursday, February 10, 2011

Future adventures?!

The future has some exciting opportunities! CLIDE  is ready to begin the process of starting a clinic in one of their remote peace villages and they have asked me to be a part of the project.  We are still in the midst of discussion and praying to figure out what that would look like but at this time I'm planning on spending about a week a month working with the locals about 5 hours from Soroti. Here is Dr. Val's most recent communication to me:
 We went to Nakayot over the weekend and had a very good visit.  The communities were organized and interested in the discussions.  They only shouted and fought briefly.   And then it was shouting at each  other anyway, which is normal in Karamojong society.   They showed us the location of the future medical facility, which we hope to begin by the end of the month.  It will just be a semi-permanent structure to begin with.  There are 4 trained VHT’s (Village Health Teachers) and 4 others that we trained in Iriiri.  There is also one TBA there.  We also started construction on the local school, which will also be semi-permanent.  We have funds for “appreciation” for 5 VHTs and 5 teachers for one year, not full salaries though.  We pray that at the end of the year, the government will be able to come in and assist to a larger degree.  We will be going to the DHHS, WHO and UNICEF later this month  to check on potential overseeing clinical officers/doctors and medicines that may be available. We will do the same for the school, with visits to UNICEF and the DEO.  My prayer is for favor with these organisations and for God to open the way for His glory and love to shine through to the peace villagers.
Please pray!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awsome sister i cant wait to visit you in Karamoja. Maybe the rats will be wven bigger there. Or the snakes will be well fed.