Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Not in Karamoja

Was it really last month that I last posted?!
I guess that is what I get for mentioning in the last post that life has been a bit less adventurous lately. I'll never do that again.
I was supposed to be in Karamoja tonight but I spent a few hours today trying to get up there but the road is REALLY bad so in order to ensure that I didn't spend the night in a wet muddy tent next to my truck stuck up to its axles in mud I turned around and came back. Both Nakayot and Lormoruchbae have called begging me to bring malaria treatments so I feel really bad for not making it but I'll try again if we can get two days in a row without rain. On Monday I was getting stuff across the street from the beer depot and some guys recognized me (or my truck) from last rainy season when their 18 wheeler blocked the road and prevented me (and 20+ other vehicles) from getting through. They strongly suggested on Monday that I shouldn't go and it seems like it has done little but rain since then so I really should have known I was going to make it.
Anyway, enough about the terrible road. What else has been going on?
While you all are doing the back to school thing we are just beginning third and shortest term and getting read to wrap up the school year. "My" kids are keeping me plenty busy with correcting their practice exams and other end of year stuff.
It seems I've had more patients lately too. An old woman came to Obule church last week asking for help. She is a widow and all of her children were killed. She thinks she is 100+ years old but I estimate her closer to 80. She has several significant health issues so I spent several hours with her getting some blood work and other diagnostics. She seems to have very advanced breast cancer. But even with this bad news she was a pleasure to be with and so appreciative of the help. I've gone out to visit her and now that I'm not in Karamoja I plan to see her again tomorrow to make sure we've still got her pain under control and that she has some help around her house.

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