Friday, December 17, 2010

Making a wood fired oven

The guys made me really proud of them with the wood oven that they made. Most of the people who live in and around Soroti cook over fire (very few have electricity or use gas) so few understand the idea of an oven. But I needed a way to make bread on a small scale using wood or charcoal. The guys designed and made one using only resources that we can get in Soroti so that it is something I can reproduce. They drew pictures and took them to a local welder. Then they constructed the cement frame that surrounds the metal box to hold heat and give a place for the fire. I don't know about you but it impressed me.
The bottom layer. Fire wood on top of the bars, ash falls through.

Next on- the iron plate to redistribute the heat of the fire.

The inner chamber. The heat of the fire is forced around the walls to heat the box evenly.

Setting the top on.

Firing it up for the first time.

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