Thursday, February 4, 2016

Back in Karamoja

I skipped right over my last trip to Karamoja because it was really short and I was overwhelmed with stuff to do to get down to western Uganda to join the team. But I did spend a little time up in Lormoruchbae.

They are building again, in a new location. It is quite far from the "road" so they are hoping UWA won't be bothered to come hassle them. The land is good and there are even a few shade trees so I'm excited about it. I'll begin building mine eventually. I also want to get  couple of fruit trees up there and get a little garden started on my next trip up. 

These last three pictures are the new "church" in Lormoruchbae that they build while I was gone. I have not experienced a worship service in it but am excited that they did this of their own initiation. 

1 comment:

ferrelli said...

It looks like things have settled down and you are back into a routine. I'm thinking your stove is functioning and your truck is running. I love that your ducks waited until you got back to hatch. Always praying for your safety and continued good relations with those you minister to. Blessings, Sue