Sunday, July 11, 2010

"She did what she could" (Mark 14:8)

“She did what she could.” Jesus' words. The Sunday that Beckie and I were commissioned before leaving the states the sermon was from Mark 14:3-9. This story and Mary's life really stuck with me and I find myself going back to it over and over in these first months here. This is the Mary that sat at Jesus' feet. I can totally picture it. The men in the front room. Pots and pans on the stove. The kitchen hot and full of food to prepare, a sink overflowing with dishes that need to be washed. Martha busy thinking ahead, trying to figure out, if there is enough water from the well, where all of these guys are going to sleep tonight, so much to do. But all of that can wait- Mary sits at her Lord's feet. She did the one thing that was needed says Jesus. (Luke 10:38-42) This is the Mary that knew Jesus well, from the time she sat at his feet, knowing what was important. So later when we read about her, that Jesus is pleased with her, should we be surprised? Again I can picture it. The men are all sitting around talking at the end of a long day. They are having diner and Mary walks in. She goes over to Jesus who is eating and slowly they all get quiet to watch her. She breaks what is most likely her most valuable possession. And she does this extravagant thing. She anoints him with oil. And suddenly that room full of men is disparaging her gift. Disproving. They were seeing a bad decision and not afraid to tell her. But she has eyes only for her Lord. She had spent time at His feet so she knew. Better than even Jesus' disciples she knew this was appropriate. They didn't REALLY hear Jesus and didn't seem to know what was coming. But she did. And she did what she could. She doesn't care what she is giving up. She pours it all out. Two drops would have been nice. But she gave it all. And Jesus defends her. She doesn't try to defend herself. He calls her act a beautiful thing!
I need to be more like Mary. I need to know my Lord by sitting at his feet. Not talking. Not telling him my needs, not even interceding for others. Just listening. So that I can know what He is about. But that means that I need to put away all of the things that need to be done. To not be busy with the doing but to just sit in His presence. Easier said than done. And I want to know Him so well that when it seems unreasonable, it is then that I can give a gift that pleases my Lord. I want to be able to pour it all out. To not just give two drops. When other express disapproval, I want to have eyes only for my Lord. To not worry about defending myself but know He defends me. But I must know Him well for this. So it comes back to sitting at His feet.


Kathleen said...

Thanks for sharing.

Dusty/333 said...

It's very difficult to just sit, be quiet and listen huh? I certainly have no advice for that!! I just wanted you to know that I read this and did indeed have some thoughts:)

Only your coat said...
