Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's Day

On the first day of the new year we went to check out the local party scene to see what was happening in the neighborhood. The Karamojung dance to celebrate and there we out in their dancing finest on the first of the year. They chose their brightest colors and put on practically every bead they own.

Young men try to jump the highest to impress young women. 

They jump, sing and clap for hours. But mostly it looks like standing around talking. 

I’ve heard that the ostrich feather in their hats means they are available.

The Karamojung believe that all the cattle on the planet belong to them so they have no qualms with stealing them from others. And cows are currency here. And bride prices can be many, many cows for one girl. Where I'm going with all of these facts is that we have been told that there may be an increase in raiding over the next few weeks as after this big dance, young men will be approaching the families of young women to buy marry and there aren't enough cows to cover the costs right now. So the warriors will be on the prowl. 
How was your new year's party? 

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