Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"I'm fine"

Life is good. Life is not good. Life is beautiful. Life is not beautiful. Life is rich and full and free. Life is not any of those. For some, indeed for many, maybe even for most, life is poor and empty and not free, anything but free, everything but free – confined, imprisoned, controlled and unjust.   - Marlin Vis
I just read this and I think it sums up what I feel here. Life is good and hard and challenging and fun and depressing and tough and exciting and tiresome and pleasant and discouraging. People all around me are hurting and frustrated and full of joy and faith. They are tenacious and discouraged, struggling and surviving.

So how is it going? “I’m fine.” Life is good. But there are so many that are trapped.

1 comment:

Dusty/333 said...

You have strength inside of you that I can only admire and wish for! I'll continue to pray that perhaps one day, I too will find what you have.... A prophetic minister visited our church many years ago. Pulled me from the crowd and told the entire church that he "saw me praying for, changing and visiting nations!" This wasn't as much alarming as SHOCKING to many of us. Historically anyone that knows me knows that I am a loyal and devoted prayer. Just not in public, not with nations watching and not surrounded by suffering children? Don't get me wrong, I have strength in many areas..... Just not in "your" area:) I know "The Man knows more than I do.... he just hasn't revealed this great path for me yet:) God's peace for you today Jen! LOVE THE PICTURES!!!!