Thursday, October 21, 2010

I guess I'm staying

I've had the thought more than once in the past few weeks that maybe I should just head back to Michigan. I could go back to be near my family, back to work at Saint Mary's, be good at my job again. Know my role and be content. I'm a little home sick honestly and struggling with what I do here. I'm having a little trouble trusting Jesus with my heart and my time.
Yesterday evening, sitting on the bank of the Nile, honestly not thinking about that. Just resting in the Lord and remembering why I trust Him. I opened my eyes and saw a little brown and white monkey sitting in the bush less than two feet from my face. It struck me that I don't want to give up this adventure- not the Nile and monkeys part of the adventure, though that is fun. But just this daily need to rely on God. To trust Him in EVERYTHING is such an adventure.  In Grand Rapids it is far too easy to rely on myself and my own skills. I don't really like the daily reminders here that I'm so inadequate, ill equipped and unequal to the challanges. But everyday I offer all that I am. And that is enough.
So Dad, I miss you. Izaac, I wish I could be around you as you grow up. Lyle, I'd love to to be working 2nd shift again. But sorry guys. This is where I'm staying.


Christina Kragt said...

Fine! If thats the way you're going to be I guess we will just bring a little of GRap to you for a while! See you soon!!!

Dusty/333 said...

Later on down the road.... is there a reason why you can't do both? Couldn't you live here and travel on mission trips twice a year? LIve here and take 3month assignments with Doctors without borders?

Jennifer said...

Cree (who must actually be Benj)- I can't wait to see you guys!!!

Dusty- honestly no. I'm comitted to this place. I may still take a 3 month assignment or two in the next few years but Uganda is home. Karamoja is calling and that is a LONG TERM kind of project. :-)

Anonymous said...

Proud of you!

chiperific said...

A monkey convinced you to stick it out? Yep. That's my sister.