Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Top 10 things that I have NOT missed since arriving...

Top 10 things I have NOT missed since arriving:

10. Snow and cold. It is hot and sunny all the time.

9. My cell phone- oddly enough it hasn't rung once since arriving.

8.MRSA, VRE, C-diff...pretty much anything requiring gowning, gloving and masking to go into the room. Not that we shouldn't be isolating some of the patients that we see, but to say that we are not is an understatement.

6. Room mates- sorry guys, its not that I don't like you but it is really nice to have my own place. Even if it is only a 10 foot diameter circle with nothing more than a bed and a toilet.

5. Cleaning- There are a group of the oldest kids who clean my courtyard and room every day and I can't convince them that they don't really need to do it. So, now I just sit back and enjoy it!

4. Discussions on the political primaries...I have not heard the name Obama in several weeks. And funny thing is I don't feel like I'm missing anything.

3. Patients going through DTs from drugs or alcohol. No need to say more.

2. Working nights/ sleeping days. Once the jet lag passed I remembered how nice it was to sleep when it is dark and be awake when it is light.

And the #1 thing that I don't miss..... Staffing calling me to see if I can pick up a shift. This leave of absence thing is really nice! I highly recommend it!

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