Friday, March 7, 2008


Chicken for lunch again today (I can't believe I'm complaining about food). THANK YOU to whomever left the Kashi. Maybe you didn't want me to eat it but you left it, it is only a little stale and bug free so consequently fair game. I also have figured out which one is the powdered milk so life is good. Also there is quite a bit of peanut butter left so I'm set for a while! (I promise to leave something useful for the next guy.)
Today's challenge in the clinic.... I lanced six boils yesterday and managed to convince all six kids to come back to the clinic today (a challenge all on its own) but in changing the dressings I discovered 3 of the six are full of puss again! I guess my antibiotic ointment isn't cutting it and I should switch to something PO but I just can't stomach giving these kids more amoxicillin. I drained and redressed again.... I'll go to the dorms before the generator goes off tonight and check them, maybe if I just clean them more often they will clear up. Unfortunately I have a strong suspicion that at least one of this guys is HIV positive so I'm not sure how I'll get on top of this infection.
On a mildly lighter note I found a gas mask in the piles of stuff I was sorting.... I have no idea how or why it is here. Or what I'm going to do with it but it was worth a laugh.

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