Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Boneless, skinless chicken breast

Had a conversation with Abella tonight. Beckie and I were so excited that we can now purchase chicken here in Soroti that has no feathers, no skin and not even any bones! (Very exciting- I can't even begin to tell you how much easier dinner will now be if I don't have to start from squawking. ) But back to our conversation. They love bones here so Abella was pretty incredulous when I explained that most of the meat I purchased in the states had little or no bone in it and we liked it that way. I went on to tell her that we really never purchase live chickens for dinner in America either. When she asked why I told her because it really wasn't accepted to kill things in our backyards. Where would we put the heads and feet and stuff? She asked why couldn't we just dig latrines and put it in there. I explained that we really didn't need to dig latrines as every house has at least one indoor toilet. Besides, we are not allowed really to just dig giant deep holes without getting permits. She didn't really get that but undeterred, she then asked why we couldn't just burn the waste like here. I explained that it really wasn't acceptable to have fires in your yard to burn trash either. That we just put all of our trash in a bag and every Monday we put the bag outside and early in the morning a truck comes and takes it away. She was quiet for a long time. She is very polite but I could kind of follow where her mind was going so I said- that's right, we are not allowed to kill things, dig holes or light fires in our yards in the states. Her response- life is hard in America isn't it? Yeah, I guess it is a little. So sorry to all of you guys stuck in America today.


dia said...

OMG! HILARIOUS!!! The roommie and I just busted up laughing right now! Love your blog entries! Oh man!

Snoap Family said...

So in that photo is the object on top of the table the same as whats under the table?

Jennifer said...

Nope- I'm happy to report that what is on the table is pork and what is under isn't eaten. I don't have any pictures of our boneless, skinless chicken but as excited as we were I'm supprised we didn't take some. Dia- I'll tell Abella that you enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

You know, some days it IS hard here in the USA, but that story is very funny!!

Kathleen said...

very funny!! Thanks for sharing :)